A large European industrial concern, presented in many European countries, found that its trading costs were too high and was determined to simplify and harmonise its operations.
Voorne Partners was asked for advice and help in designing the new Trading model, which became a Single Business Entity (SBE), and a Shared Service Centre (SSC) for the Finance function. We had to design in detail all payment and charging mechanisms for an SSC operating on behalf of other Business Units. Detailed description of organisational elements and of accounting and control characteristics for both the SBE and the SSC were also called for. The latter depended on our in-depth knowledge of the Business Processes. Voorne Partners delivered the detailed planning for the SBE and SSC implementation, based on pragmatic experience and expertise gained in many Project Management roles.
In its continuous drive for operational excellence the company is now operating on a lean platform, which ensures effective decision making at lower cost.